“What’s this Rock?” Led by Dr. Brad Johnson. Saturday, January 26, 10:00am to 11:45am.
This event was hosted by the Environmental Studies Department at Davidson College. Co-sponsors were World of Wonder, Davidson Lands Conservancy and Woodland Discovery.
Many thanks are owed to Dr. Johnson and his student, Ms. Audra Regan, who, along with a number of WOW families, braved the icy cold for this event. Dr. Johnson and Ms. Regan started with a talk about the kinds of rocks and minerals there are in the world, how they’re made, and where we might find them. Then, we had a great time getting the rocks we brought identified and taking a look through the many rock and mineral samples in the room.
We hope to repeat this event next year. If you want to receive information about this event and other WOW events, send an email to dlc.wow@gmail.com and ask to have your name and email address added to our contacts.